
  1. Gillian Markey

  2. Tony Bowler

  3. ilona Morgan

  4. Sean Moss

  5. Sam Chennell – Long

  6. Oliver Yiend

  7. Harley Richardson

  8. Timothy Allen – Long

    “The difference is startling – the online system is far smoother and easier to use. BeVox is a small business running community choirs across Yorkshire and the Midlands. After two years of operation, it became clear that our existing systems for handling customer registration, attendance, and the loan of sheet music and CDs, were struggling […]

  9. Timothy Allen – Short

    “I’d just like to say how much of a difference the online system has made to our business – we’d have been lost without it this year. As you know, Toni was out of action for several months, and I was stretched really thinly. I would not have managed to keep the business running if […]